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Change STARTUP and SHUTDOWN sounds in XP
Have you ever felt bugged-up with the Start-up and Shutdown jingle of your Windows XP or Vista ? If yes, here is the solution, now you use any of your favorite voice or music or dialogue as your PC’s shutdown and start up.

It’s a simple 4 step process.

Step 1.

Choose the track which you want to play at start-up and shutdown jingles,

Limitations are

* It should be in .WAV format.
* The size of file should not be large, prefer keeping them within in 1 Mb, otherwise your startup will take a bit longer.

If the file you want to make your start-up or shutdown is not in .WAV format, you can easily convert them using Jet Audio 7, or any other converter.

Step 2.

Now rename these files as “Windows XP Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP Shutdown.WAV” respectively.

Step 3.

Now Go to “C:WINDOWSMEDIA”, here you will find files “Windows XP Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP Shutdown.WAV”, move them to some other locations, this step is required for, in case you need to revert back these sounds, else you can ignore this step.

Step 4.

Now the files you have chosen and renamed, just copy-paste or cut paste them in “C:WINDOWSMEDIA”, here you go, now you can enjoy the new Start-up and shutdown.

Start movie in Paint!

* First start a movie in any player.

* Then open Paint.

* Now, in the player when the movie is being played, press "Print screen" button on your key board.

* Now, Press ctrl+v in Paint

* Leave the movie player open and don't minimize it.

* Open Paint now and see the movie in the Paint!

Posted by BAS at 2:46 PM 0 comments

Labels: hack, hack a pc, hack paint, paint, play movie in paint, windows, windows paint, windows xp

Hacking through google

Hack a Yahoo Account While Chatting
This is only for education purpose.So who ever try this is at his risk.I am not sure that this will work 100 %.But yes will work almost 70 percent of the times.But before that you need to know some few things of yahoo chat protocolleave a comment here after u see the post lemme know if it does works or not or u havin a problem post here
Following are the features : -1) When we chat on yahoo every thing goes through the server.Only when we chat thats messages.2) When we send files yahoo has 2 optionsa) Either it uplo--- the file and then the other client has to down load it.b) Either it connects to the client directly and gets the files3) When we use video or audio:-a) It either goes thru the serverb) Or it has client to client connectionAnd when we have client to client connection the opponents IP is revealed.On the 5051 port.So how do we exploit the Chat user when he gets a direct connection. And how do we go about it.Remeber i am here to hack a system with out using a TOOL only by simple net commands and yahoo chat techniques.Thats what makes a difference between a real hacker and new bies.So lets ----yse1) Its impossible to get a Attackers IP address when you only chat.2) There are 50 % chances of getting a IP address when you send files3) Again 50 % chances of getting IP when you use video or audio.
So why to wait lets exploit those 50 % chances.I will explain only for files here which lies same for Video or audio1) Go to dostype ->netstat -n 3You will get the following output.Just do not care and be coolActive Connections
Active Connections
Just i will explain what the out put is in general.In left hand side is your IP address.And in right hand side is the IP address of the foreign machine.And the port to which is connected.Ok now so what next ->
2) Try sending a file to the Target .if the files comes from server.Thats the file is uploaded leave itYou will not get the ip.But if a direct connection is establishedHMMMM then the first attacker first phase is overThis is the output in your netstat.The 5101 number port is where the Attacker is connected.Active Connections
Thats what is highlighted in RED. So what next3) Hmmm Ok so make a DOS attack nowGo to dos prompt andJust donbtstat -A Attackers IPaddress.Can happen that if system is not protected then you can see the whole network.C:>nbtstat -A
Local Area Connection:Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []
NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status---------------------------------------------EDP12 <00> UNIQUE RegisteredSHIV <00> GROUP RegisteredSHIV <20> UNIQUE RegisteredSHIVCOMP1 <1e> GROUP Registered
MAC Address = 00-C0-W0-D5-EF-9A
Ok so you will ask now what next.No you find what you can do with this network than me explaining everything.

So the conclusion is never exchange files , video or audio till you know that the user with whom you are chatting is not going to harm you.

First let me explain a few things about MAC addresses. MAC stands for Media Access Control and in a sense the MAC address is a computer?s true name on a LAN. An Ethernet MAC address is a six byte number, usually expressed as a twelve digit hexadecimal number (Example: 1AB4C234AB1F).

IPs are translated to MAC address by a protocol called ARP (Address Resolution Protocol). Let?s say a computer with and IP of wants to send information to another computer on the LAN that has an IP of . First will send out a broadcast to all stations on the LAN asking who has the IP Then the box that has will respond to with it?s MAC address which is cached in ARP table for later use. To put this in Socratic Dialog form (with just a touch of Stallone):

Host 1 ( Yo everyone on the LAN (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF), who has the IP My MAC is DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE so you can respond back to me.

Host 2 (199.16o.1.2): Hello DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE, I have IP and my MAC address is 12:34:56:78:90:12 so you can send your IP packets to me.

You can see the ARP table of a box by dropping out to a command prompt and typing ?arp ?a? in Windows or just ?arp? in Linux. ARP can also work the other way by a host on the LAN sending its MAC address to another machine on the LAN for preemptive caching unless the host is configured to not accept un-requested ARP replies.

A person might want to change the MAC address of a NIC for many reasons:

1. To get past MAC address filtering on a router. Valid MAC addresses can be found by sniffing them and then the deviant user could assume the MAC of a valid host. Having two hosts on the same network can cause some network stability problems, but much of the time it's workable. This is one of the reasons why MIC Address filtering on a wireless router is pointless. An attacker can just sniff the MAC address out of the air while in monitor mode and set his WiFi NIC to use it. Interestingly, a lot of hotels use MAC filtering in their "pay to surf" schemes, so this method can be an instant in for cheap skate road warriors.
2. Sniffing other connections on the network. By assuming another host's MAC as their own they may receive packets not meant for them. However, ARP poisoning is generally a better method than MAC spoofing to accomplish this task.
3. So as to keep their burned in MAC address out of IDS and security logs, thus keeping deviant behavior from being connected to their hardware. For example, two of the main things a DHCP server logs when it leases an IP to a client is the MAC address and host name. If you have a wireless router look around on it's web interface for where it logs this info. Luckily there are tools to randomize this information (MadMACs).
4. To pull off a denial of service attack, for instance assuming the MAC of the gateway to a sub net might cause traffic problems. Also, a lot of WiFi routers will lock up if a client tries to connect with the same MAC as the router's BSSID.


To change your MAC address in Linux (and most *nix system) is easy as pie. All it takes is two easy to script commands:

ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01

ifconfig eth0 up

These two little commands would set your eth0 interface to use the MAC 00:00:00:00:00:01. Just plug in the NIC you want to set and the MAC address you want to use into the commands above and your done. Changing your MAC address is one of those things that is much easier to do in Linux then under Windows.

Mac OS X

For versions of OS X before Tiger (OS X 10.4) you will need this patch:

Then you use a command like:

sudo ifconfig en0 lladdr 00:00:00:00:00:01

I'm not much of a Macintosh guy, so I pulled most of this info from:

My understanding is that there are complications with some AirPort cards so you may also want to read:

Windows 2000/XP/Vista: The Hard Way

How To Change IP address

In XP you can use the regedit to edit the registry from a GUI or the reg command to edit it from the console, I?ll be using regedit. Information on all your NICs can be found the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318} . Under this key you will find a bunch of sub keys labeled as 0000, 00001, 0002 and so forth. We can assume any MAC address we want by finding the key that controls the NIC we want to change, putting in a string value called ?NetworkAddress? and setting it to the MAC address we want to use formatted as a twelve digit hex number (example: 000000000001). To find out which key is which we can search through them for the value ?DriverDesc? until we find the one that matches the NIC we wish to alter. After you set ?NetworkAddress? to the address you want just restart the NIC by disabling it then enabling it (or in the case of PCMCIA cards, just eject and reinsert). You can confirm the MAC address change by using the ?getmac? or ?ipconfig /all? commands.

Windows 2000/XP/Vista: The Easy Way

Use Mac Makeup ( ), MadMACs (, Smac ( ) or Etherchange ( ). Mac Makeup is a cool little GUI and Command line tool that's freeware, the creator also offers a Plugin for Bart's PE builder. MadMACs is a tool to randomize your MAC address and host name on every reboot. Smac has a nice GUI and was free but has since gone commercial, there's no reason to bother with it as there are free tools that are just as good. I use MadMACs since I wrote it and it lets me keep my host information randomized.

Have fun with your MAC addresses switching, but be careful not to cause network problems. My favorite MAC address is DEADBEEFCAFE, for other interesting MACs see:


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